Feedback +

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Due to inclement weather, order shipment delays are expected. 

Note: Your order may take longer than usual to arrive

Dear Customer,

To extend our dealer discount to you, we request that you provide us with information about your business. Please understand we are not trying to make it difficult for you to buy from us. In fact, we are making every effort possible to preserve our dealer discount structure and ensure that only those companies who are actively engaged in the automotive business are receiving the discounts they are entitled to.

  1. Proof that you are in the Automotive parts or repair business. One of the following forms of information is needed:
    1. a. State Bureau of Automotive Repair License
    2. b. Copy of your yellow pages advertisement or phone directory listing
    3. c. Any other advertisement
    4. d. If you do not have any of the above, send in what information you feel entitles you to a dealer discount and it will be considered.
  2. If you would like your business to be sales tax exempt, please submit your state issued Sales Tax Exemption Certificate.

Wholesale Application

Dear Customer,

To extend our dealer discount to you, we request that you provide us with information about your business. Please understand we are not trying to make it difficult for you to buy from us. In fact, we are making every effort possible to preserve our dealer discount structure and ensure that only those companies who are actively engaged in the automotive business are receiving the discounts they are entitled to. 

Proof that you are in the Automotive parts or repair business. One of the following forms of information is needed:

  1. State Bureau of Automotive Repair License
  2. Copy of your yellow pages advertisement or phone directory listing
  3. Any other advertisement
  4. If you do not have any of the above, send in what information you feel entitles you to a dealer discount and it will be considered.

If you would like your business to be sales tax exempt, please also submit your state issued Sales Tax Exemption Certificate.

Please make sure that the address shown on the information you send matches the address that you want the parts sent to. We will not ship to any address other than the company address on record.

Once you have gathered the necessary information please fill out the following form and attach pertinent proof of business and a resale card where appropriate.

Or mail or fax it attention of Customer Service (our fax number is 805-692-2525). If the information sent meets our requirements, your company will be approved for dealer status and your account will be set up accordingly.

If your company has already received an order and did not receive discount pricing, we will gladly refund the difference between retail and dealer prices, if the required information is received here at Moss within 30 days of shipment.

We thank you very much for your cooperation and look forward to a mutually successful business relationship.


The Moss Sales Team