The deadline to submit photos for our 2025 Calendar has passed! Thank you very much to everyone who sent in their photos. We are now working on the difficult task of selecting the final shots and assembling the 2025 Calendar. Stay tuned!
We were overwhelmed with the amazing images you sent us, thank you! We have put together a nice calendar for 2025, packed with the amazing images you shared. See below for the selected entries! We hope to use more of your imagery if we can find a great spot, thank you so much for your submissions!
Our goal, pure and simple, is to keep the momentum of the years past and produce a visually-stunning British & Jaguar calendar. We want photos that possess something uniquely magical about your car, in whatever form you can capture it. It could be the storybook setting, or maybe the shot has the "just right" touch of light on the sheet metal. Perhaps the image captures a sense of motion and movement that feels like a dance, or your favorite picture is one from the dozens you took during your last outing. We're talking about the kind of photo that make you stop, smile, and thank the heavens for the experiences that driving a classic car can bring.
Submission Requirements and Guidelines:
Photos of high resolution are needed to print well. Will a smartphone camera do this? Probably, but be sure the settings are for the largest size photo. A dedicated camera would probably give better results. Try and submit a photo that has a file size greater than 1MB. Photos in a horizontal orientation is much preferred over portrait layout as the calendar will be horizontal, too. Even if they don't get used in the calendar, submitted photos may be used in other fun Moss projects or material. We hope we'll get more awesome photos than we know what to do with!
Q: Do I need to be a professional photographer?
A: No, but your photo submission should make you look like a pro.
Q: Can I send in an older photo or do I have to go out and take pictures?
A: Whichever results in the most incredible shot. Have fun with this!
Q: What if there are people in the picture?
A: Is it a fantastic car picture with people in it? Cool. Send it! Just make sure you have their permission.
Q: Can I use Photoshop to make a picture look better?
A: That's a good question. Can you? Results may vary.
Need inspiration?
Check out the photos we picked for last year's calendar.