How To Bleed a Clutch Slave Cylinder
Get every last bubble of air out of your clutch system. Air in your clutch system causes a squishy pedal, less throw on the rod and the potential for moisture to enter the system.
Sometimes your clutch slave cylinder won’t bleed as successfully as a brake cylinder. This is because sometimes you get a small air pocket trapped in the cylinder that won’t come out with conventional bleeding. If you’ve been unsuccessful until now, do this.
- Bleed as best you can the regular way.
- Have your partner hold the clutch pedal to the floor.
- Leave it on the floor.
- Crack the bleeder.
- The pressure will flow out your bleed tube to your jar.
- Keep the pedal to the floor.
- Use the pushrod to push the piston backwards to the end of the body.
- Close the bleeder.
- Let the pedal up slowly.
- Repeat until last bubble escapes.