Welcome classic Jaguar customers! Moss is excited to continue providing the extensive line of products previously found at xks.com. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our website, we've done our best to make shopping easy for you. Our site features enhanced shopping tools, like clickable schematics, that make it easier to find the right parts for your vehicle.
From this point on, the XKs.com website will no longer be in operation. However, all of the products and information that we will continue to support can now be found here. Add MossMotors.com/Jaguar to your bookmarks, as that is where we plan to offer promotions, display discounts, showcase new products, and release relevant information for classic Jaguar customers.
Need more information? SEE BELOW:
I was already a XKs Unlimited customer, do I need to set up a Moss Motors account?
Yes. To maintain your privacy, we did not move your previous xks.com account information into the Moss Motors customer database. Unless you have already purchased items from this website, you will need to create a new account.
What happened to the XKS.com website?
It has been redirected to MossMotors.com. In late 2019, we created the Moss Classic Jaguar identity to inform customers of the ongoing transition to Moss Motors. As part of the expansion of parts and warehouse moves, we have moved all Jaguar parts into our mossmotors.com website.
How do I use this website?
With anything new there's an adjustment period. However, we have done our best to simplify your online shopping experience, and hope you enjoy our easy-to-navigate website. For an overview of our website functions read our website tips.
Can I make purchases using PayPal?
We apologize. Currently, PayPal is not a payment option.
What is Moss Classic Jaguar's International Shipping policy?
- Foreign orders are charged actual shipping charges.
- First time foreign orders may need to be paid by wire transfer.
- Duties and taxes are the responsibility of the customer.
- Shipping quotes can be provided upon request on orders exceeding $100.
- There is a $10 charge to cover shipping costs for catalogs shipped outside of the U.S. and Canada. One catalog per request.
- Canadian orders are shipped by Air Post if possible.
- If you require a shipping method other than Air Post, we will provide a quote upon request on orders over $100.
Where should I send returns?
The XKS Unlimited warehouse will no longer be in operation after November 9, 2020. Please send your returns to Moss Motors at 440 Rutherford Street, Goleta, California 93117.
More about the move from XKS Unlimited to Moss Motors

Moss Motors acquired XKs Unlimited in 2017, adding strength to expertise. Since then, we have been working to expand the availability and improve the quality of parts for the owners and restorers of classic Jaguar automobiles. As of November 2020, we have completed the move of our entire stock of Jaguar parts and accessories to our warehouses in Virginia and California. With this move, we have redirected the xks.com website to mossmotors.com. During the transition we have integrated many of the XKs Unlimited sales and support staff into our team to keep the Jaguar passion and expertise alive and well inside Moss Motors.