SEAL KIT, per caliper, AP Braking/LibertyMidget/Sprite 1962-80, TR7, Mini 1984 On (12" Wheels)071-514
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REPAIR KIT, wheel cylinder, 11/16" boreMidget 1500, TR7 5-Speed & Late 1981 Automatic, TR8 1978-79071-526$5.99
WHEEL CYLINDER, rear, 7/8" bore, aftermarketSprite from (c)20545 to 24731, Midget from (c)13555 to 16183180-446$16.99
REPAIR KIT (for 4 cylinders), Front Wheel Cylinder, 15/16" boreApplication - See "Fitment" Tab180-458$79.99
WHEEL CYLINDER, Front, Right, Delphi brandMGA 1500, Midget/Sprite 948, TR2-3 to TS13045, Minor from (c) 228267 on180-640$41.99
WHEEL CYLINDER, Right, front, aftermarketMGA 1500, Midget/Sprite 948, TR2-3 to TS13045, Minor from (c) 228267 on180-641$15.99
WHEEL CYLINDER, Left, front, Delphi brandMGA 1500, Midet/Sprite 948,TR2-3 to TS13045, Minor from (c) 228267 on180-650$41.99
WHEEL CYLINDER, Left, front, aftermarketMGA 1500, Midet/Sprite 948,TR2-3 to TS13045, Minor from (c) 228267 on180-656$15.99
Brake/Clutch Master Cylinder, 7/8" bore, TRWMGA 1500, Midget/Sprite 948 drum brakes180-670$194.99
Brake/Clutch Master Cylinder, 7/8" bores, AP BrakingMGA 1500, Midget/Sprite 948 drum brakes180-672$329.99
REPAIR KIT, Brake Master Cylinder, 3/4" boreMGB1962-67, Midget 1967 singe line, Mini type A single line180-875$6.99
REBUILD KIT, master cylinder, brake/clutch, AP BrakingApplication - See "Fitment" Tab180-971$87.99